
Muerta’s Optimal Item and Ability Build for Dota 2 Patch 7.23e

Dota 2 is a popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed by Valve Corporation. With its ever-changing patch updates, players must stay up-to-date with the latest changes in order to stay competitive. Patch 7.23e is the latest patch for Dota 2, and it has brought some significant changes to the game. One of the most important changes is the introduction of Muerta, a new hero who has a unique set of abilities and items that can be used to great effect. In this article, we will discuss Muerta’s optimal item and ability build for Patch 7.23e.

Muerta is a powerful Strength hero who specializes in dealing physical damage. Her abilities allow her to deal massive amounts of damage in a short period of time, making her a great pick for team fights. Her ultimate ability, Soul Harvest, allows her to heal herself and her allies while dealing damage to nearby enemies.

The optimal item build for Muerta in Patch 7.23e is one that focuses on maximizing her damage output. The core items for this build are Battle Fury, Mask of Madness, and Maelstrom. Battle Fury gives Muerta increased attack speed and cleave damage, allowing her to dish out more damage in team fights. Mask of Madness increases her attack speed and movement speed, allowing her to chase down enemies and quickly finish them off. Maelstrom gives Muerta increased attack speed and a chance to shock her enemies with lightning damage, making it an excellent item for her kit.

The optimal ability build for Muerta in Patch 7.23e is one that focuses on maximizing her damage output. Her first ability should be Soul Harvest, as it gives her a powerful heal and damage boost when used correctly. Her second ability should be Cleave, as it allows her to deal massive amounts of damage in a short period of time. Her third ability should be Warcry, as it increases her attack speed and movement speed, allowing her to chase down enemies and quickly finish them off. Her fourth ability should be Whirlwind, as it allows her to deal area-of-effect damage and slow down enemies.

In conclusion, Muerta is a powerful Strength hero who specializes in dealing physical damage. Her optimal item and ability build for Patch 7.23e focuses on maximizing her damage output, allowing her to be a powerful force in team fights. By utilizing Battle Fury, Mask of Madness, Maelstrom, Soul Harvest, Cleave, Warcry, and Whirlwind, Muerta can easily become an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

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