
The 10 Best Ways To Smoke Your Weed

What is the best way to smoke weed? That is the question.

Over the years stoners have thought of new ways of getting high. Using all kinds of tools and science. Yea! Science! We’ve moved from wooden pipes to joints to bongs to dabs. That seems the way it ended up being. We now have hash, hash oil and earwax. Dabn’ wax is the new way to get high in Southern Cali these days. It’s like a lifestyle. But there are a ton of other and new ways to get stoned.

There are many ways to enjoy weed without even having to smoke it but for today we are going to focus on the act of smoking. Here are the 10 best ways to smoke that buddha.

Different Ways To Smoke Weed

The following is a list of 10 new ways to smoke weed, but all with the same outcome right?

1. Dabs

A Dab is defined by the WeedMaps staff as, “any (concentrated) product of a chemical (or organic) extraction being performed on cannabis. Isopropanol and Butane are the most common solvents used for this process but there are many that will work.” It that confused you like it did to me the first time reading, I made simple directions. With pictures too! I have yet to “take a dab”, but plan on stepping up one day. This is definitely the new way to smoke your weed. It was all over the L.A High Times Cannabis Cup. The Cali Connection team got The Game to take on stage when he was performing.

best way to smoke marijuana

2. The Pool Gravity Bong

This is taking gravity bongs to a whole other level. I’ve taken a gravity bong out of a big orange cone from a pool but never anything like this. No way you’re not high as hell after hitting this one time.

best way to smoke weed bong

3. GPen

GPen’s Portable Vaporizers have seemed to of taken over like dabs has. It’s really an amazing product that can be used almost anywhere. That’s what a potheads wants. A device that they can use to smoke just about any and everywhere they want. I’ve seen people smoking a Gpen insides bars, smoking sections and just anywhere else on the street. I’ve only hit one once and definitely enjoyed it. My buddy just picked one up and seems to be madly in love with it. Below is how a g-pen works.

different way to smoke weed

4. Volcano Vaporizer

Vaporizers have seem to come and go very quickly. They are an awesome alternative to joints with a different experience though but they really do their job, you get get high as F_ _k with any of these vaporizers, specially with the Volcano. And also as there’s no combustion, they’re way healthier.

different way to smoke marijuana

5. Smoking This Joint

I just don’t know how one would go about smoking this thing without making a mess. There has to be so much ash. How the hell would you even ash it without making some type of mess? I salute those that rolled this and smoked this.

ways to smoke weed

6. Clearing This Zong

Personally, Zongs are my favorite type of bongs. The look and amount of smoke you can fit in the bong is why. One good clear of the zong from a size like this will have you very high. Plus you look cool while doing it. lol

easiest way to smoke weed

7. This Way Of Smoking Hash

I know this is a very old trick to smoking hash and the title says new. No big deal.This trick is affective. It seems to burn the hash perfectly and not burn it out fast. You get a good hit and don’t have to keep lighting it. Just do exactly as the guy did in the video below.

8. Using This Oxygen Mask Bong

Gas mask bongs are on another level of smoking weed. They get you very high, very fast. You’re just constantly breathing in weed smoke. There’s nothing you can do but get high. Keep your eyes closed.

ways to smoke marihuana mask

9. Smoking A Whole Bowl Out Of A 6 Foot Bong

Clearing a full bowl out of a six foot bong gets you up there. You’re already high because you’re standing on a table or chair to hit this thing. It takes strong lungs and time to kill the entire six feet. But when you do, you will happier than ever.

Photo credit to myself. My buddy on the right bought this for $60 at smoke shop called Wild Side at Michigan State University. The guy in the store said he could clear it one hit. He was lying. We walked through the unmean streets of East Lansing and just about everybody was staring and laughing.

this is the best way to smoke weed

10. Hash Joints

What makes a joint better? Hash, no shit. I’ve smoke ones with the long piece of hash down the middle before. I have NOT smoked a joint rolled with hash though. That is like a life long dream. I could just stare at that joint forever.

way to smoke marijuana hash

way to smoke weed hash


Most Efficient Ways To Smoke Weed


vaporizer way to smoke weed

Advantages: Simple and Easy to use them, there’s no combustion so they’re healthier and odorless

Disadvantages: You need to depend on their battery live, bigger to carry around.

If you want to know more about vaporizers, don’t miss or best dry herb vaporizer post.

Vape Pens

Advantages: This is the easiest way to get high, simply plug in your THC Pod and hit it, no combustion, no smoke…

Disadvantages: Non at all, just depends on your taste

Don’t miss our best vape pen post for more info


way to smoke weed joint

Advantages: Easy to roll, doesn’t use too much weed, isn’t as harsh as a blunt, this is how you’re parents smoked

Tweeds and Raw Papers are HMJ’s favorites but there are plenty of other paper companies. Don’t forget to add in your joints.

Disadvantages: Burns fast, canoeing happens pretty often, not good for large cyphers

Blackwood Blunt

weed blunt

Advantages: Perfect for larger groups, burn slowly, can hold more weed than joints

Are blunts dying out?

Disadvantages: Blunt paper is made from tobacco, can be harsh depending on who twists it and which wrap they use

Pinch Hitter/One Hitter


Advantages: Convenient, fairly discreet, good for quick highs when in public

I suggest investing in a one-hitter. Especially if you need to smoke stealthy.

Disadvantages: Can only hold a small amount of weed, enough for one hit

Glass Pipe or Bubbler

ways smoking weed

Advantages: Great for small groups, quick and easy to use

Grab a low-priced pipe.

Disadvantages: Easy to break, unless everyone is packing the bowl I wouldn’t recommend for large groups

Plastic or Acrylic Bong

smoking weed bong

Advantages: Will not break easily, no rolling required (just load, spark, inhale, and enjoy.)

Disadvantages: You end up using more weed faster, plastic or acrylic bongs are much more dangerous to your health than glass ones.

Glass Bongs and water pipes

bongs smoking weed

Advantages: king of all bongs, smooth hits (especially when you add ice)

Disadvantages: Can be cumbersome, uses more weed than a blunt for larger groups

If you want to know more about bongs and waterpipes we recommend you to read our best bongs article and best marijuana grinders guide.


smoking marijuana guys

Advantages: Multiple people can smoke at once

Disadvantages: Not good for groups, it takes more to get the whole group high

Homemade Bong/Pipe one time use (Apple, beer can, etc)


Advantages: Generally not that hard to make, good for if no one has a wrap or a real bong, fun while crafting it

Disadvantages: Only works one time. You don’t want to save your apple bong for days or weeks and then try to use it again.

If you’ve run out of ideas of how to create your own bong, we recommend you to read our 25 homemade bongs article

Homemade Bong/Pipe multiple uses (made in shop class?)


Advantages: If you build a good one it may last a while, saves money on buying a high-end bong or wraps all the time

Disadvantages: Might not work, might take some experimenting to make sure it works right

For a healthier way of smoking, by removing smoke completely, check out the best weed vaporizer or best vaporizer pen lists.

Source: https://www.hailmaryjane.com/best-way-to-smoke-weed/

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