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Google’s TensorFlow framework sits at the heart of modern deep learning. Practical features make TensorFlow the most efficient path to professional AI applications. And the Keras library, fully integrated into TensorFlow 2, makes it a snap to build and train complex models for vision, language, and more.

TensorFlow in Action teaches you to construct, train, and deploy deep learning models using TensorFlow 2. In this practical tutorial, you’ll build reusable skills hands-on as you create production-ready applications. 

“Practical and hands-on. A valuable resource for practitioners and newbies.”
—Amaresh Rajasekharan, IBM

Author Thushan Ganegedara uses quirky stories, practical examples, and behind-the-scenes explanations to demystify concepts otherwise trapped in dense academic papers. As you dive into modern deep learning techniques like Transformer and attention models, you’ll benefit from the unique insights of a top StackOverflow contributor for deep learning and NLP.

TensorFlow in Action is available from its publisher Manning Publications and for pre-order on Amazon.

Our 35% discount code: nlkdnuggets21


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